Found: the absolutely gripping and emotional bestselling thriller


Price: $2.99
(as of Sep 20, 2024 08:28:30 UTC – Details)

By: Erin Kinsley (Author)


* BBC…


  1. Liz

    Well written, heartbreaking, but couldn’t put it down
    This story grabs you and it’s hard to put down until you get to the satisfying end. The characters all were well developed and had believable and interesting insights and perspectives. Worth a read

  2. Sheri Denkensohn

    Wonderful read
    Great characters, mystery, and a feeling of hope. Couldn’t put this book down and highly recommend it. Lots of life lessons.

  3. sandy crandell

    Well Written
    Found is a story of an English family who’s son is kidnapped and abused. It’s also a story about the police who investigate his disappearance. I enjoyed the book because I like mysteries and I especially enjoy books about families The characters were very well developed. It’s the kind of book that leaves you feeling good. If you like mysteries and strong characters you should enjoy this tale.

  4. Linda. Schwenke

    Not all that gripping…
    Based on the description, I had high hopes for this book. But it turned out to be mediocre, IMO. Many characters, with too much detail in some places, while not enough in others. An okay read.

  5. CMWAtt051207

    great read
    Great book and read! The story line was good and keep interest. Read this one in less then two days. Characters are good but wish more detail into them. Sometimes felt like the book jumped a little from one plot to the next.

  6. Sade

    good book
    Book was good, kept me really interested. Better than a New York Times best seller I just read, I recommend

  7. Sister Friend

    Beautiful story of a tragedy
    This was a beautifully written account of every parents nightmare, a child’s abduction and abuse, and the impact. Although fiction, it felt very real. The emotional dynamics and understandable stresses of all the characters rang true. The main topic is dark, of course, but I also appreciated that it was not needlessly crude with details.

  8. Ellen

    Beautiful Story Telling
    A heartbreaking story about childhood lost but well told with good characters. Read it in a day and a half

  9. Maggie

    I think this was a good read

  10. Phil Sterland-Robb

    Absolutely loved this amazing book. The detail and realism is superb, and I challenge anyone not to fill up at the various parts where we get to share Evan’s journey back. One of the best books I have read in a while 😍

  11. Cliente Amazon pia Alessio

    Descrive molto bene cosa può provare un bimbo violentato, i segreti e le paure che continuerà a nascondere, le difficoltà di genitori e adulti per affrontare una nuova realtà.

  12. manfort

    Dieser Thriller wurde vom britischen Radiosender BBC 2, bzw. von dem Buchclub als Lesetipp angepriesen, was mit dem “WDR 2 Buchtipp” von Christine Westermann gleichzusetzen wäre.Die Story hat mich insofern gefesselt, als dass ich das Buch innerhalb ein paar Stunden komplett gelesen hatte, und das kommt bei mir äußersts selten vor.Es geht um einen kleinen Jungen, der entführt und erst Monate später gefunden wird. Die eigentliche Story jedoch, handelt um die Nachwirkungen, und zwar auf alle Beteiligten, sei es Eltern, Großeltern, Schulfreund und natürlich auf den jungen Evan selbst.Ich fand das Buch persönlich sehr gut, eine fesselnde und zugleich sehr emotionale Story vom Anfang bis zum Ende. Die Charaktere für mich sehr glaubwürdig und die Beschreibung der Umgebung sehr zutreffend (ich war schon einige Male dort).Lesenswert!

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